Business Directory

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Internet Listings Business Directory currently lists over 1.7 million businesses.

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Where do you search for local businesses?

Business directories have been around for sometime but now they are really starting to pick up pace in the advertising industry.

The internet has become overloaded with spam advertising so people are being far more selective over which listings and sponsored ads they click on to view and trust to follow.

Having said this it is proven that more than half of us turn to the search engines when looking for the nearest doctor, dentist, hairdresser…

Do you still own a copy of the Yellow Pages?

Gone are the days of having the Yellow Pages, alongside the BT telephone book, alongside the local business directory next to our telephone. Even the days of the telephone table in the hallway have gone, as those of us that still opt for a landline more often than not have a portable telephone that could end up anywhere in the house.

Mobile phones and computers are being used by all sorts of different people and are no longer limited as a gadget of choice by the tech-geek. We want information on the go and we want it now. With many of our mobile communication tools also providing the ability to search online for companies, places to visit, restaurants to eat it and anything else we feel like tapping into, getting listed in a paper-style directory can really be put to the bottom of the list of advertising and promotion techniques.

Get your business listed now

Business directories are the ideal place to get listed as a start to building your online presence.

Don’t worry if you don’t have a website for your business, this isn’t always necessary. Following on from your listing you may find the directory you have chosen offers good value packages to get your business noticed on the internet.

Websites like these vary in quality. This is because they do take some serious dedication to set up and enthusiasm to maintain. Find one which works for you and award them some loyalty, if only to see if they can make it in the world of business directories.